The Body

The Body 1 - 1 In-Person Sessions

Are you struggling to gather the motivation you need to move your body?

Do you get tired of beating yourself up because you feel stiffness, pain or low energy?

Are you looking for guidance on how to refresh and reset your physical self?

In this 90 min physical session together, we will work to soothe and unlock the areas of your body that are having the greatest negative impact on your movement and the feelings associated with that impact.

Using the comprehensive LYT Yoga Method you will be given access to a toolkit to dip into whenever you need to reset your body and gain more energy, strength and mobility. 

For the very best results, I recommend committing to 3 or 6 sessions. Our brains best retain information by way of repetition, so to give yourself the best chance of gaining sustainable forward momentum and the change you want to feel, repeated practice of the movements introduced in your sessions with me, is vital.

What You Get

A 15 min consultation either by way of a quick chat or a questionnaire for you to complete and return to me. 

A 45 min reset session - personalised posture work with breath using the LYT Yoga Method to ensure you are giving both your body and your mind THE best chance of functioning as well as they possibly can.

A 45 min Myofascial release and manual therapy session to target your specific areas of restriction, leaving you feeling like you are floating on thin air.

Your Investment

1 90min session -1400

Package of 3 90-minute sessions -3600

Package of 6 90-minute sessions -5400

*Prices are in NOK


The Body 1 - 1  Online Sessions

Lacking any real motivation to move your body, but are constantly reminded by stiffness, pain or low energy that you really do need to?

Or are you active, have a yoga practice, but feel uninspired, carry an old injury or just feel this sense of things not being as good as they could be? 

In this 60 min online session together, we will work to soothe and unlock the areas of your body that are having the greatest negative impact on your movement and the feelings associated with that impact. Using the comprehensive LYT Yoga Method you will be given access to a toolkit to dip into whenever you need to reset your body and gain more energy, strength and mobility. 

In these online sessions, we will work systematically on getting you moving and feeling better, with a mixture of active and restorative practices to optimise effectiveness.

For the very best results, I recommend committing to 3 or 6 sessions. Our brains best retain information by way of repetition, so to give yourself the best chance of gaining sustainable forward momentum and the change you want to feel, repeated practice of the movements introduced in your sessions with me, is vital.

What You Get

A 60 min online reset session - personalised posture work and core integration, supported by breath work using the LYT Yoga Technique to ensure you are giving both your body and your mind THE best chance of functioning as well as they possibly can.

Your Investment

1 60min session -800

Package of 3 60-minute sessions -1950

Package of 6 60-minute sessions -3600

*Prices are in NOK


“My posture has improved big time! Thinking more to stand, sit and move right. Better technique with cross country skiing, walking and biking.”



Support for boosting your mindset and emotional needs, these sessions will give you the space, clarity and impact needed to reduce, stress, fatigue & anxiety.



The place where internal growth is fuelled with support and compassion. 3 months of intentional time with Rachel is the ultimate foundation for transitions, small or big in your life.


A compassionate GUIDE, MENTOR and THOUGHT LEADER, with a calling to help you find agency over your well-being.

Meet Rachel


Have questions about any of my offerings?